First: We have raised just over $5k on this Kickstarter campaign towards our $12k goal in basically 3 weeks. WOW! Thanks for ALL YOUR SUPPORT! Its amazing to see that what we enjoy doing, is something you want to see/hear more of!
Second: We have basically 1 week left to make up that remaining $6k or so! If you can post our Kickstarter page link on your facebook page, twitter, email friends and family and have them check us out on Soundcloud, Facebook, Youtube...we'd appreciate all your hard work and contributions!
The merch is starting to arrive and looking good! Remember, you are rewarded with copies of the new EP, merch, and other goodies as a thanks from us for your pledges!
This has come a long way, but its only the beginning of kickstarting what we hope to be something great with your support!!
Thanks again!! Lets do this!
-The Lads
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